
Right Kind of Wrong

Right Kind of Wrong 电子书

作者: Amy C. Edmondson

出版社: Atria Books

出版时间: 2023-9-5

ISBN: 9781982195069

页数: 368 页





Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School. Her work explores teaming – the dynamic forms of collaboration needed in environments characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. She has also studied the role of psychological safety in teamwork and innovation. Before her academic career, she was Director of Research at Pecos River Learning Centers, where she worked with founder and CEO Larry Wilson to design change programs in large companies. In the early 1980s, she worked as Chief Engineer for architect/inventor Buckminster Fuller, and innovation in the built environment remains an area of enduring interest and passion.


A revolutionary guide that will transform your relationship with failure, from the pioneering researcher of psychological safety and award-winning Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson.

We used to think of failure as the opposite of success. Now, we’re often torn between two “failure cultures”: one that says to avoid failure at all costs, the other that says fail fast, fail often. The trouble is that both approaches lack the crucial distinctions to help us separate good failure from bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.

After decades of award-winning research, Amy Edmondson is here to upend our understanding of failure and make it work for us. In Right Kind of Wrong, Edmondson provides the framework to think, discuss, and practice failure wisely. Outlining the three archetypes of failure—basic, complex, and intelligent—Amy showcases how to minimize unproductive failure while maximizing what we gain from flubs of all stripes. She illustrates how we and our organizations can embrace our human fallibility, learn exactly when failure is our friend, and prevent most of it when it is not. This is the key to pursuing smart risks and preventing avoidable harm.

With vivid, real-life stories from business, pop culture, history, and more, Edmondson gives us specifically tailored practices, skills, and mindsets to help us replace shame and blame with curiosity, vulnerability, and personal growth. You’ll never look at failure the same way again.


2024-07-23 09:07:52
在阅读《Right Kind of Wrong》后,我深刻地意识到,失败并非成功之敌,而是通往成功的重要一步。作者艾米·埃德蒙森通过对心理安全的研究提出了创新的见解,帮助我们区分有益的失败和有害的失败,从而从失败中汲取教训。
2024-07-23 09:07:52
对于在职场打拼的人来说,《Right Kind of Wrong》是一本必读之作。埃德蒙森教授深入浅出地阐述了失败的不同类型,并提供了切实可行的建议,指导我们识别和处理失败。她的研究成果帮助我们理解失败的价值,从而在避免不必要的损失的同时,大胆尝试并取得更大的成功。
2024-07-23 09:07:52
《Right Kind of Wrong》不仅仅是一本关于失败的书,更是一本关于成长和创新的指南。埃德蒙森教授通过实用的案例和鲜活的叙事,鼓励我们拥抱失败,将之视为学习和自我提升的机会。本书提供了一套实用的框架,帮助我们反思自己的失败经历,从中萃取有益的教训,从而在未来的冒险中取得更大的成就。
2024-07-23 09:07:52
厌倦了传统对失败的负面看法?《Right Kind of Wrong》会让你耳目一新!埃德蒙森教授以其积极乐观的态度,带领我们重新思考失败。她让我们明白,失败并非要避而远之的洪水猛兽,而是可以作为垫脚石,帮助我们提升自己和组织绩效。
2024-07-23 09:07:52
作为一名职场新星,我迫切需要对失败有更深刻的理解。埃德蒙森教授在《Right Kind of Wrong》中提供了宝贵的见解。她阐述了不同类型的失败,并强调了区分它们的必要性。书中还提供了有效的策略,帮助我从失败中吸取教训,提高我的韧性和应对能力。